Business Valuation
Speak to the people who know about company valuations. We have been doing it since 2001, and with thousands of happy clients, we specialise in the valuation of small and medium size private companies in South Africa, across most industries.
“Suitegum is the authority on the valuation of small business”
If you’re looking for information on business valuation, you have come to the right place.Suitegum has been in the business of formal valuations of SMEs in South Africa since 2001.
Our members have spent more than 30 years in the M&A game gaining more and more insite, across industry groups, and for all purposes:
- Demonstrating business value in the hands of owners
- Pricing businesses for sale in a wide variety of circumstances
- Demonstrating the value of acquisitions to buyers
- Proving the value of acquisitions to deal funders
- Helping exiting shareholders and those left behind to reach resolution
“We live for business valuation”
Our business valuation commissions open new doors every day, while we keep studying valuation concepts across industries. Our writing about the valuation of our clients' businesses, and about their negotiating opponents is a key aspect of our work.
Suitegum works closely with Grow Consulting and Prepare Your Business For Sale to expand the outcomes of our clients from our offering of "this is the value" to "build more value", and to "extract the maximum value", respectively.
In 20 years we have constantly upgraded our software, data sets, and techniques for finding value for our clients, while allowing them to see how a potential asking price for their businesses will change with time and improved strategies.

Valuation and M&A QUESTIONS
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Business valuation
There are 3 major approaches to business valuation, best selected on the nature, use case, circumstances, and requirements of the valuation work to be done.

Key Valuation Indicators
Choosing the correct multiplier for a simple price to earnings calculation, or discount rate for a discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis comes down to the KVIs of a business, and every business is dfferent.
Get started with business valuaton
Business valuation is all about formulas and mathematics on one hand, but (often more importantly) the stories behind the numbers on the other hand.
The dual nature; the so called "science" versus "art" argument is a false binary because it cannot be a choice of one or the other, and instead we should see it as a combination of both because the raw numbers tell a story, while other stories help us understand the numbers and their derivatives.
Add into that the trends and comparisons of numbers, ratios, and stories, and we move away from a binary "science" versus "art", into the realm of "craftmanship".
Effective valuation requires immersion in the subject across industries, business sizes, corporate lifecycles, territories of operation, the business history and its prospects for the future. It must account for corporate actions, and the motivations of others, as well as the application of the final report.
We conduct considered, bespoke, reasoned
Business Valuations
Our valuation service is specific to private South African companies of all sizes in all industries